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Recent RFPs

  • Update on the Selection of Independent Evaluator

    On January 28, 2021 the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“WUTC”) approved PSE’s recommendation of Bates White as Independent Evaluator for company’s planned 2021 All-Source and Demand Response RFPs. More information may be found in docket UE-210037 at the WUTC website (

  • Solicitation for Independent Evaluator

    Solicitation for Independent Evaluator

    On November 24, 2020, PSE announced the commencement of a solicitation for an independent evaluator (“IE”) relating to PSE’s forthcoming 2021 All-Source and Demand Response RFPs (the “2021 RFPs). The IE Request for Proposal materials (“IE RFP”) were posted on this website, following a notification sent to stakeholders and interested parties on November 17, 2020 inviting comment and expressions of interest. PSE received strong proposals from several qualified candidates, and has now completed its evaluation process. In accordance with WAC 480-107-023(2), PSE has submitted a petition to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (the “Commission”) for approval of its recommended IE. Interested stakeholders have the opportunity to participate in the Commission's approval process, consistent with WAC 480-100-021(2), through docket UE-210037 at the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission website ( The IE RFP materials remain available at the links below for reference.

    IE RFP Materials:
    IE RFP Main Document
    Appendix A: IE RFP Bid Form
    Appendix B: IE RFP Questionnaire
    Appendix C: IE RFP Declaration of Conflict of Interest
    Appendix D: IE RFP Mutual Confidentiality Agreement
    Appendix E: IE RFP Master Services Agreement
    Appendix F: IE RFP Draft Statement of Work
    Sample Certificate of Insurance


  • 2020 Demand Response and All-Source RFPs Update

    2020 Demand Response and All-Source RFPs Update

    On October 15, 2020, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (“WUTC”) held an open meeting in which it granted a motion from Puget Sound Energy (“PSE”) to withdraw its draft 2020 Demand Response and All-Source RFPs in dockets UE-200413 and UE-200414, respectively. Consistent with the requirements of the Commission’s Final Order in these dockets, PSE must file its next draft All-Source and system wide electric Demand Response RFPs no later than April 1, 2021. The full text of the Commission’s Final Order may be found in the WUTC dockets referred to above.

    PSE submitted the motion on September 8, 2020, and has been providing stakeholders with periodic updates, which can be found in the links below and on the WUTC web site in the dockets referenced above.

    PSE will provide interested parties with information about its planned 2021 RFPs as it becomes available. Notifications will be sent by email to PSE’s stakeholder notification list and will be posted to this webpage. Interested parties may opt in to receive stakeholder notifications by contacting Parties interested in learning about PSE’s integrated resource planning process, which informs and guides the RFP process, can click 2021 Integrated Resource Plan for more information.

  • 2018 Demand Response and All-Source RFPs Update

    2018 Demand Response and All-Source RFPs Update

    PSE received nearly 100 proposals in response to its 2018 All-Source and Demand Response RFPs from a variety of resource alternatives. This is the largest response to a PSE All-Source RFP to date. Many proposals included multiple offer options with variations in pricing, offer structure, term start and duration, and transmission delivery points. Some proposals offered hybrid options, pairing storage with wind or solar resources.

    PSE has issued a total of four press releases announcing the execution of contracts from the 2018 RFP. PSE executed the final 2018 RFP contract in Q1 2021. The 2018 RFP is now completed.


  • 2018 All-Source and Demand Response Proposals

    2018 All-Source and Demand Response Proposals

    The following table summarizes the resources PSE received in response to its 2018 Demand Response and All-Source RFPs by resource type and size.

    Resource type

    # Proposals

    Size range
    (MW / RECs, roughly)



    35 – 290 MW



    45 – 500 MW

    Storage – battery


    10 – 200 MW / 30 – 800 MWh

    Storage – pumped hydro


    330 – 500 MW



    10 – 55 MW

    Natural Gas-fired Gen.


    50 – 620 MW



    15-25 MW

    Hydro - run of river


    40 MW

    System PPA / Call Option


    100 MW

    Unbundled RECs


    35,000 - 130,000 RECs

    Demand Response


    20-40 MW

